Monday, November 24, 2008

Sedona Arizona with Jan & Connie - Last Day

Jan and Connie had "body" appointments...massage, nails, something...can't remember, but what I wanted to do was go hiking again. So, I took off and drove up to Oak Creek Canyon to find a place to hike.

I loved this old neat looking! It was probably around the first time I came to Sedona in the 1950's!

I found a West Fork and decided to hike around. As I followed the trail it led to what was once a ranch. When I saw the old tumble down ranch house I thought, "Wow, these folks had a stupendous view!"

I didn't have very much time, so I made it down the West Fork for just a little ways before it was time to turn back and go pick up Connie and Jan. It was a beautiful walk! Next time I'll venture further!

OH! I forgot one very important picture. This trip took place last spring...Hilary and Obama were going at it with everyone thinking Hilary would be the winner. As we drove through Jerome on our way to Sedona we pass this house (below). Now, you must realize, I am the lone Democrat in the car with two Republicans, so when I asked Connie to turn around so I could take a picture of the sign for Hilary all I got was a big "BOOO!" and she kept on driving...well, actually there was no place to turn around. I insisted. Connie finally found a place and was kind enough to go back several miles so I could take this historic photo...even Connie and Jan thought it was worth it when they saw it!

Just in case you can't see it...those are bras hanging on the fence!

It was a great vacation...and as always, the three of us look back on it with fond memories.

Sedona Arizona with Jan & Connie - walk with James Endredy

After spending so many wonderful days in this beautiful place, I began to think that it would be a great place for Clyde to do a photo workshop. The problem was that I needed someone to give me an overview of areas that weren't so well known. I needed a guide to show me areas where a group of photographers could set up and not be run down by tourists. We found that person in James Endready.

James Endready is a teacher, mentor, and guide to thousands of people through his books and workshops. For over 25 years he has learned shamanic practices from all over the globe, while also studying with kawiteros, lamas, siddhas, roadmen, and leaders in the modern fields of ecopsychology, bioregionalism, and sustainbale living. He is also a nationally certified Wilderness First Responder.

We met James at a morning talk given by the Time Share where we stayed. He seemed like the kind of person I'd like to know, so we approached him with the idea of taking us on some short morning walks. He was an excellent choice. We all felt very comfortable with this gentle, spiritual, kind man. I'm glad he came into our life. If you'd like to reach him for a walk here is his information:

Sedona Nature Excursions
(928) 282-3748

Although James can hike with the best of them, he was kind enough to walk at our pace. He never made us feel uncomfortable about NOT being athletic...very kind of him!

The flowers in bloom were wonderful.

We finally reached our destination. It was a very large flat rock that overlooked the valley and those wonderful rock formations that you see in the background of this picture. James said the area was an Indian religious area and very few people know about it. He asked us not to tell anyone where it was, otherwise it would be over run with tourists. But he felt a small group of people who love nature would not offend the spirits. He then offered to do a shamanic blessing over us. Since being blessed is good for everyone, we took him up on the offer!

Our next adventure with James was across town to another location he thought we would enjoy. We parked in the presence of another Vortex...and this one I actually felt! It was a shock to feel an emotion so deeply. One minute we were talking about nothing much in the car, parked the car, and then when I got out I was hit in the chest with a powerful emotion and tears came to my eyes. I was so suprised by the feeling that this is the first time I've talked about it! Soooo...just maybe, there REALLY is something called a vortex!

We weren't headed for the Vortex though. We headed in a different direction.

We hiked in the opposite direction of these towering rocks and came to a circle of life. This Indian circle has been located here since before the written word. Sometimes, throughout history, it has been when the white man insisted that the Indians give up their religion...but the Indians always rebuild it. It is a sacred place and we walked quietly as though we were in church.

After pausing at the circle we walked onward eventually coming to what Jan thought was laundry hanging out to dry...but as we got closer we saw that it was Prayer Flags.

This land was purchased by the local Budist community in order to save it from development. They erected this monument here to symbolize peace for the world. The inside of it is filled with thousands of prayers written on tiny pieces of paper. Along the edge of this circle is a place in the shade to sit and pray. What a wonderful idea to have an "official" prayer area in the great outdoors! Why do we have indoor churches...doesn't the roof keep us from lifting our hearts to God?
Prayer alter

Our day with James ended in a wonderful uplifting way. He added a depth to our trip to Sedona that had been missing...the connection with God and nature.

Sedona Arizona with Jan & Connie - Train Trip & Airport Vortex

For something different, we decided to catch a scenic train ride on the Verde Canyon Railroad.

The inside of the train was air conditioned and very comfortable.

The outside areas were great too. They had nice covers overhead to protect us from the sun, as well as benches to sit on as we watched the scenery go by. I spent most of my time outside feeling the wind in my hair and watching the beauty pass by.

Connie enjoying the scenery

They served us ice cream on the train, but had to get it from another train passing by!

Connie, Jan and I outside enjoying the scenery

It was a great afternoon. Very relaxing and enjoyable.

We returned to Sedona in the late afternoon, so we decided to try and find another Vortex. This time we went looking for the Airport is, naturally, near the airport. We located it and climbed up to enjoy the view. Unfortunately, Jan had worn sandles on the train and didn't have hiking-type shoes on, so she went a small way up the mountain. As Connie and I reached the top and saw the view, it was enough to humble and inspire us...we didn't need a Vortex, but I guess we were in one.

Connie at the top of the Airport Vortex

We sat and enjoyed the quiet and peace, then walked back down to the car.

As Connie and I walked down to the car we came across this peace symbol written with small stones. Our shadows fell across the symbol and I asked Connie to join hands with me and take our picture together in peace.
Connie and I have a mysterious deep connection with each other. Each of our lives has been very different, we disagree on many, she is a Republican and I am a Democrat...yet our lives always seem to be "bumping" into each other. There is something deep between us and niether one of us understands it, but we accept it and are glad for it. She accepts me as I am (altho at times would prefer I change!) and I accept her as she is (altho at times I prefer she change!). This photo of the two of us strikes my heart, because it is not of our actual image, but it is an image of the shadow of what we are...and that is a mystery.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sedona Arizona with Jan & Connie - Merry Go Round

There is a reason it is suggested that you rent a four-wheel drive when you go to Sedona! Every road that leads to a beautiful place is dirt. A regular car would have a hard...and sometimes impossible...time getting to all the wonderful locations.

And so...we headed up the dirt road...

It was a beautiful drive...
and along the way we saw Cowpie. There were several trails enticing us to hike up into Cowpie, but we were determined to reach Merry Go Round.

We finally made it to Merry Go Round...and such a beautiful view! Here Connie and Jan sit on the edge of Merry Go Round. If you are brave you can climb all the way around it!

A view of Cowpie from Merry Go Round...Sedona is so very beautiful!

We stayed up there for quite a while watching the tourist come and go...and in between the beauty of the silence of nature.

Here is a view looking back toward Merry Go Round as we drove back down the road.

As we traveled home I saw the moon in the crystal blue of the late afternoon sky. Peace came over me. The earth is such a beautiful place and we are so fortunate to be here having the experience of enjoying this great place called Sedona.