Friday, July 3, 2009


This year my orchids bloomed all at once in a
bouquet of beauty. Daily they turn their heads
toward the sun and shout, "Look at me reflecting
the beauty of God!" Sometimes I hear them sing.

Since I poured love and care into my orchids this
year, I was taking all the credit for their beauty
until a friend mentioned to me that their orchids
were unusually bountiful this year too!

Ahhh well...guess it wasn't just me,
God had some hand in this too...

Did I ever share with you my personal belief on why
flowers were created? ... Flowers are a recent
evolutionary plant and the reason for that is
because when God created Eve, she stood up,
looked around and said, "God, this place needs
some color!" And so, God created flowers for Eve.

1 comment:

Larry & Lynn - Home Is Where We Park It!!! said...

These orchids are beautiful. I'd love to have that blooming in my back yard. Now I know what the flowers were that I took a picture of at the Opryland Hotel.